
Velká setkání naší doby: Divadelní intervence, příležitosti a interakce na večírcích festivalu SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER

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Kultura se mění

Mezinárodní festival divadelních škol SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER  z hlediska finančního zajištění

SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER – fenomén v nejlepším věku


SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER, kam se podíváš...


Rozhovor s Václavem Cejpkem

Rozhovor s Tomášem Grunou

Rozhovor s Pavlem Nesvadbou

Rozhovor s Ondrou Klíčem

To nejlepší z festivalových zpravodajů









Theatre means encounter

Theatre means encounter As Setkání celebrates its 30th year, I would like to congratulate everybody at the festival on this anniversary on behalf of my colleagues at the Department of Dramaturgy, Aarhus University. I would also like to express my personal deep gratitude for the collaboration we have enjoyed over the years.  We are both […]

Klara Bielawka

Attending the festival Setkaní/Encounter with the diploma performance A Good Man from Sechuan, directed by Paweł Miskiewicz from PSWT in Krakow in 2008 was one of my first experiences at a theater festival. Since I’ve begun working as an actress, for over 11 years ago, I have traveled a lot with the theater to Polish […]

Manon Chircen

I remember the joy we had when we learned that we will be participating to Setkaní/Encouter Festival in 2016. Having the chance to perform something I wrote because of the necessity to talk about us, to defend something very important for my five actresses and I : the violence against women. A large, important and […]

Miloslav Klíma

Every festival—and today there are almost infinite numbers of them and no doubt their number will continue to grow—can be an opportunity for a short encounter or stopping at an isolated, mostly hurried road. Or it can have a deeper meaning and be a real encounter that has a more durable resonance and magnetic force […]

End Counter

End Counter   Everyone wants to be part of history. Those who say no, lie. People do everything for it. They think that if they persistently climb somewhere, it would make sense. It does not. When they reach the top, they do not become winners because the actual peak does not exist. Although they thoughtlessly […]

Marina Kharatishvili

The International Festival of Theater Schools Setkání/Encounter in Brno is one of the most important creative forums of this kind. Since the day of its inception, each year theatrical schools from four continents: South America and Africa, Asia and Europe come together to showcase their work and share their thoughts and experience. Who can count […]

Paul Bourne

When working on creating a new piece of theatre, I always say to my colleagues:    „Before we do anything,  let’s define what we are actually trying to do..!“   So let me follow my own advice with some definitions:    encounter: verb  an unexpected meeting with someone or something.   international: adjective exchanging existing, […]

Anchoring collective memory

Anchoring collective memory   The first time is always the most intense, be it your first love or your first Peter Lipa concert. And so my strongest Encounters took place between 2001 and 2007, during my Master’s and early doctoral studies. My flawed memory has only kept fragments, snapshots, stories, but never mind – even […]

Andrei Zagorodnikov

Dear SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER festival people,    First of all, I would like to thank you all not only for the unforgettable moments that we shared but also for the ability for me to reflect on those occasions, which are very important for me, one more time.    I am very happy that I’ve participated in the […]


History ENCOUNTER, the International festival of theatre schools belongs amongst the most important events held by the Theatre Faculty of JAMU. Few students work on this festival throughout the whole year and as the date comes near, the festival fever is gradually affecting more and more students that finally, the whole faculty is overwhelmed by […]